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Sarah King

Holiday pay and voluntary overtime

Holiday pay and voluntary overtime holiday pay and overtime

In what is the latest in a number of holiday pay cases, the EAT has held that the NHS must include any overtime pay earned in the reference period in the calculation of holiday pay.  This includes both non-guaranteed and voluntary overtime.  The case of Flowers and others v East of England Ambulance Trust UKEAT/0235/17 […]

National minimum wage and sleeping workers

National minimum wage and sleeping workers national minimum wage and sleeping workers

The National Minimum Wage legislation is complex and there have been a number of high profile cases in recent years particularly in the care industry concerning whether carers are entitled to the national minimum wage when sleeping or on call. The National Minimum laws contain highly complex rules about calculating the number of hours worked […]

Reference requests and regulatory references

Reference requests and regulatory references reference requests

So I know it is rare to have a hand written reference but it is common place for employers to be asked to provide a reference for that departing employee.  Firstly, there is no obligation to supply a reference unless of course you have agreed to do so as part of a contractual exit package […]

Stress at work

Stress at work stress at work

Stress at work kept 51% of workers surveyed in a recent BUPA survey awake at night while 42% of those surveyed said stress at work had ruined their life. More than 53 % reported that a poor work-life balance made them feel unwell and 64% of respondents said that they would be more productive at […]