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Tag: national minimum wage

National minimum wage and sleeping workers

National minimum wage and sleeping workers national minimum wage and sleeping workers

The National Minimum Wage legislation is complex and there have been a number of high profile cases in recent years particularly in the care industry concerning whether carers are entitled to the national minimum wage when sleeping or on call. The National Minimum laws contain highly complex rules about calculating the number of hours worked […]

Slavery disclosure

It has recently been announced that businesses in the UK with a total turnover in excess of £36 million will need to comply with a duty to publicly report steps they have taken to ensure their operations and suppliers are trafficking and slavery free with effect from October 2015. The duty arises in the Modern […]

National Minimum Wage fines by HMRC

HMRC has fined 708 employers with fines of up to £5,000 following 1.693 complaints about workers not receiving the national minimum wage in 2012-13.  26,000 workers have received £4m between them. The employers in question have not been named and shamed but included a major fashion chain who was forced to pay their 90 unpaid interns […]